NNS News

Nebraska Nepalese Society Partners with Foodbank for the Heartland

Nebraska Nepalese Society Partners with Foodbank for the Heartland

  • 4 years ago

December 30th, 2020, Wednesday, Nebraska Nepalese Society initiated a partnership with Food Bank for the Heratland Omaha, in which Nebraska Nepalese Society donated a total of 382 LB food items worth of $511 (In words: Five Hundred Eleven Dollars) to Foodbank. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the donors, volunteers and well-wishers up to including Board Executives, Founder, Former Presidents, Vice President and Community Stakeholders. The food drop-offs even [...]
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Great Poet Laxmi Jayanti Poetry Recitation Held

Great Poet Laxmi Jayanti Poetry Recitation Held

  • 4 years ago

November 14th, 2020, Saturday, Nebraska Nepalese Society organized a “Great Poet Laxmi Jayanti Poetry Special” recitation program in which more than 10 poets and poetess participated from Nebraska. This program was chaired by the President – Krishna Kandel and moderated by Board of Director – Meena Shakya Pradhan, and the program was convened via Zoom Meeting/Conference platform.
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Historic Blood Drive - 2020 Held

Historic Blood Drive - 2020 Held

  • 4 years ago

September 27, 2020, Sunday, Nebraska Nepalese Society organized a historic Blood Donation/Drive in association with American Red Cross Heartland Chapter. On behalf of the organization, Krishna Kandel, the President offered the vote of thanks and gratitude to all the sponsors, donors, volunteers and board of executives. Dr. Subash Baniya, Board of Director and Lead for the Blood Drive event executed most remarkably to make this event a grand success – a huge round of applause to Dr. Bani [...]
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Nebraska Nepalese Society Assisted Covid -19 Impacted Families in Nebraska and Neighboring States

Nebraska Nepalese Society Assisted Covid -19 Impacted Families in Nebraska and Neighboring States

  • 4 years ago

Nebraska Nepalese Society Assisted Covid -19 Impacted Families in Nebraska and Neighboring States – (March through December 2020). Given the international and national events surrounding Covid-19 and the informal and travel restrictions imposed by it, Nebraska Nepalese Society implemented a plan to help patients who ran out of their medications of their chronic conditions. Dr. Subash Baniya, PharmaD coordinated with Himalayan Health Care Providers during covid and Nebraska Medicine w [...]
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Nebraska Nepalese Society Team (2020 -2022) Board Formed

Nebraska Nepalese Society Team (2020 -2022) Board Formed

  • 4 years ago

On March 07, 2020, the new board for Nebraska Nepalese Society formed under the leadership of Krishna Kandel, President along with the below listed members of Board of Directors: Krishna Kandel – President Bishnu Pun Adhikari – Vice President Dhirendra Neupane – Vice President Bhim Subedi – President Advisor Yadu Sapkota – President Advisor Deepak Poudel – General Secretary (2020-2021) Raghu Sapkota – Joint Secretary Prakash Subedi &n [...]
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Maha Shivaratri Celebration - 2020 Held

Maha Shivaratri Celebration - 2020 Held

  • 4 years ago

February 22, 2020, Saturday, Nebraska Nepalese Society organized “Maha Sivaratri Celebration” event amidst all Nepalese Nebraskans and well-wishers at Hindu Temple Omaha, Nebraska. The event was a big success in attendance with over 200 participants/audiences. Over 90 percent of the expenses for event celebration was covered by the local donors, sponsors, and community stakeholders. Shiva bhajan, dances, aarati pooja along with prasad/food were the major attacks of this event.
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नेपाली स्वास्थ्यकर्मीहरुसगं परामर्शको अवसर !!!

नेपाली स्वास्थ्यकर्मीहरुसगं परामर्शको अवसर !!!

  • 4 years ago

नमस्कार सबै नेपाली एवं नेपालीभाषी मनहरुमा ! यहाँहरू सबैलाई खुशीको खबर यो छ कि, COVID- 19 संग सम्बन्धित कुनै परामर्स तथा सरसल्लाह लिनको लागि तल दिईएको लिंकमा क्लिक गरी घरमै बसी समयमै उपचार लिनुहुन अनुरोध छ ! ( सेवा समय बिहान 10 बजे देखि दिउसो 2 बजे सम्म...! ) Please click the below link: https://telemedicine.danphehealth.com/Ask/… यो महत्वपूर्ण सहयोगको लागि यस  संस्थाका वरिष्ठ सल्लाहकार एवं ASK फाउनडेसन् का प्रेसिडेन्ट श्री सुनिल आचार्यज्युलाई नेब्रास्का नेप्लिज सोसाइटी [...]
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नेब्रास्का नेप्लीज सोसाइटीको अपिल

नेब्रास्का नेप्लीज सोसाइटीको अपिल

  • 4 years ago

हार्दिक अपिल..!!! आदरणीय नेब्रास्काबासी नेपाली दाजुभाई, दिदीबाहिनी तथा बुवाआमाहरु! सर्बप्रथम ग्लोबल कोरोना एपिडेमीकको बढ्दो नकारात्मक प्रभाबका बाबजुत्, यहाँहरू सबैले आ-आफ्नों तर्फबाट देखाउनुभयको सावधानी र सेफ्टी स्वास्थ्य सतर्कताको उच्च सम्मान गर्दै अनबरत निरन्तरताको नेब्रास्का नेप्लिज सोसाइटी टीम हार्दिक अपील एबं अनुरोध गर्दछौं! नेब्रास्का नेप्लिज सोसाइटी यस् बिचमा सहयोगीहातहरु अगाडी बढाई हस्तेमा हैंसे गर्ने जमर्को स्वरुप निम्न कार्यक्रमहरूलाई इम्प्लेमिंट् गर्न गैरहेको सुचित गर्न च [...]
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मिस नेपाल यूएसमा व्यूटि विथाउट लिमिट बिद्या थप

मिस नेपाल यूएसमा व्यूटि विथाउट लिमिट बिद्या थप

  • 5 years ago

बिगत ६ बर्षदेखी अमेरिकामा हुँदै आएको सौन्दर्य प्रतियोगिता मिस नेपाल यूएसमा व्यूटी विथाउट लिमिट शिर्षकको नयाँ बिद्या थप गरिएको छ । आगामी अक्टोबर १२ तारिखका दिन हुने सातौं संस्करणमा उत्कृष्ट सामाजिक काम गर्ने लक्ष्य लिएका प्रतियोगिहरुलाई यो शिर्षकको अवार्ड प्रदान गरिने जनाइएको छ । नेब्रास्का नेप्लिज सोसाइटीको आयोजना र मिस नेपाल यूएसको संरक्षकत्वमा हुन लागेको प्रतियोगितामा यस बर्षदेखी प्रतियोगिहरुलाई आफ्नो प्रतिभा प्रस्फुटन गर्नका लागि नयाँ बिद्या ब्यूटी विथाउट लिमिट शिर्षक थप गरेको जनाइएको छ । [...]
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मिस नेपाल यूएस—२०१९ नेब्रास्काको ओमाहामा हुँदै

मिस नेपाल यूएस—२०१९ नेब्रास्काको ओमाहामा हुँदै

  • 5 years ago

विजेतालाई ५ हजार अमेरिकन डलर नेब्रास्का नेप्लीज सोसाइटीको आयोजना र मिस नेपाल यूएसको संयोजनमा मिस नेपाल यूएस (Miss Nepal US) को सातौँ संस्कररण यस वर्ष आगामी अक्टोबरमा नेब्रास्कामा हुने भएको छ । मिस नेपाल यूएस का संस्थापक अध्यक्ष अमित शाह र नेब्रास्का नेप्लीज सोसाइटीका अध्यक्ष राज आचार्यको पछिल्लो पटक भएको सहमति अनुसार सो प्रतियोगिता आगामी अक्टोबर १२ मा नेब्रास्काको ओमाहामा गर्ने निर्णय भएको हो । सन् २०११ मा न्यूयोर्कबाट सुरु गरिएको सो प्रतियोगितामा नेब्रास्का नेप्लीज सोसाइटी आयोजक र मिस नेपाल [...]
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"Nepali New Year Dhamaka 2076" has been postponed

"Nepali New Year Dhamaka 2076" has been postponed

  • 5 years ago

Due to some technical problem with Nepal Idol Team in Nepal, the New Year event program for April 19th has been postponed. Date is to be decided soon and we will update you the details via our official website and Facebook page. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience, it was out of our control. The Nepal Idol event has been postponed not only in Nebraska but through out united states.
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NNS distributed 4000 water bottle, and misc product to flood victim of Nebraska & Iowa.

NNS distributed 4000 water bottle, and misc product to flood victim of Nebraska & Iowa.

  • 5 years ago

March 19, 2019; Nebraska Nepalese Society distributed 4000 water bottle, house cleaning, sanitary, toilet paper, detergent and many other products to flood victims. Thank you all volunteers to helped us to deliver stuffs to distribution center in Omaha and Bellevue. Distribution centers asking for volunteers, if any of you from our society available please contact Raj Acharya at 402-578-1464 or Raj Shrestha - 402-650-3675 . Your help and support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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